An Overview of Amazon EC2 Billing and Cost Management

all aws amazon ec2 aws comparison 101 aws compute aws cost management Jan 19, 2024


Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) offers a variety of purchasing and configuration options from a cost and capacity management perspective, each tailored to meet specific needs and use cases. From cost-efficient solutions for flexible workloads to dedicated resources for compliance-sensitive applications, EC2 has it all. Let's break down these options to help you decide the best fit for your needs.

Understanding Amazon EC2 Billing

AWS implements a per-second billing model for many of its services, including EC2, with a minimum billing increment of 60 seconds. This means that when we use EC2 instances, we're billed for every second our instance runs, with the total time rounded up to the nearest minute after the first minute of usage. This understanding enables precise cost management strategies, ensuring we maximize the efficiency of our EC2 instances and avoid unnecessary expenditures. 

Amazon EC2 Purchase Options

Amazon EC2 offers a variety of purchasing options to help manage both cost and capacity according to specific needs and use cases:

  1. On-Demand Instances: Pay for compute capacity with no long-term commitments, ideal for short-term and irregular workloads.
  2. Reserved Instances (Standard and Convertible): Commit to EC2 capacity for a 1 or 3-year term at a significantly reduced rate compared to On-Demand pricing.
  3. EC2 Savings Plans: Commit to a consistent amount of usage, in exchange for lower prices compared to On-Demand.
  4. Spot Instances: Purchase unused EC2 capacity at up to a 90% discount, suitable for flexible and fault-tolerant workloads.
  5. Dedicated Hosts: Physical servers fully dedicated for your use, allowing the use of existing server-bound software licenses.
  6. Dedicated Instances: Instances running on hardware dedicated to a single customer, without the same level of control or flexibility as Dedicated Hosts.
  7. Capacity Reservations: Reserve EC2 capacity for any duration in a specific Availability Zone, ensuring availability for critical applications.

For more details on each purchase option and how they can fit into your cloud strategy, read the full breakdown in our blog post:

EC2 Instance Types

  • Definition: A detailed overview of the various EC2 instance types available, including General Purpose, Compute Optimized, Memory Optimized, Storage Optimized, and GPU Instances.
  • Use Case: Tailoring the instance type to specific workload requirements such as web servers, high-performance computing, memory-intensive applications, high I/O operations, and machine learning.
  • Real-World Example: Companies selecting specific instance types for tasks ranging from web hosting to complex scientific computations, ensuring they have the optimal blend of resources.

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Burstable Performance Instances

  • Definition: Burstable Performance Instances, such as T2, T3, and T4g series, that are part of the General purpose instance type category, offer a baseline level of CPU performance with the ability to burst above the baseline. They are billed at a low cost for the baseline level, with additional charges for any excess burst capacity used.
  • Use Case: Ideal for workloads that do not need the full CPU consistently but occasionally require bursts of processing. Examples include small and medium databases, development environments, and business-critical applications.
  • Real-World Example: A startup might use T3 instances for its development and testing environments, benefiting from the burst capability during peak development periods without incurring high costs.

Elastic GPUs

  • Definition: Elastic GPUs are attached to EC2 instances to provide the right amount of GPU compute resources for graphics-intensive applications.
  • Use Case: Suitable for applications that need a small or intermittent amount of GPU power, such as graphic rendering or gaming servers.
  • Real-World Example: A graphic design company using Elastic GPUs for cost-effective, scalable graphic rendering tasks during peak project times.

Amazon EC2 Fleet

  • Definition: EC2 Fleet simplifies the provisioning of EC2 resources across different EC2 instance types, Availability Zones, and purchase models to optimize scale, performance, and cost.
  • Use Case: Ideal for workloads that need a mix of instance types and purchasing options to balance cost and performance efficiently.
  • Real-World Example: A cloud service provider dynamically manages a fleet of instances to serve web traffic that varies significantly throughout the day.

Auto Scaling

  • Definition: Auto Scaling helps you maintain application availability and allows you to automatically add or remove EC2 instances according to conditions you define, such as traffic fluctuations.
  • Use Case: Essential for maintaining performance and minimizing costs for applications with varying usage. Automatically scales out to handle peaks in demand and scales in when demand decreases, ensuring you pay only for the compute capacity you need.
  • Real-World Example: An online video streaming service uses Auto Scaling to handle weekend traffic spikes, automatically adding instances to maintain smooth streaming experiences for its viewers and removing them as demand wanes.

Amazon EC2 Hibernation

  • Definition: Amazon EC2 Hibernation allows you to pause your EC2 instances and resume them later, retaining the instance state in EBS storage. This feature saves the contents of the RAM to your EBS root volume, enabling you to stop and start instances without losing the instance state, thus saving on compute costs for instances that don't need to run continuously.
  • Use Case: Ideal for workloads that are intermittent in nature, such as development environments used only during business hours or batch processing jobs that don't require constant compute power. Hibernation helps in reducing costs by avoiding charges for idle instances while preserving their state.
  • Real-World Example: A software development company uses EC2 Hibernation for their non-production environments. Developers can pause their instances at the end of the day and resume them the next morning, significantly reducing compute costs while maintaining their work state.

Event-driven Scaling with AWS Lambda

  • Definition: Integrating AWS Lambda with EC2 allows for event-driven scaling by executing Lambda functions in response to specific events or conditions. This setup can automatically adjust the number of EC2 instances in use, optimizing both performance and cost.
  • Use Case: Perfect for applications that experience variable workloads, such as web applications with unpredictable traffic spikes. By using Lambda functions to monitor load or other triggers, you can automate the scaling of EC2 instances to ensure that you're only using and paying for what you need.
  • Real-World Example: An online media platform uses AWS Lambda to monitor website traffic in real-time. When traffic exceeds a certain threshold, a Lambda function triggers the launch of additional EC2 instances to handle the load, ensuring smooth user experiences during traffic spikes. Once traffic decreases, the Lambda function scales down the instances to minimize costs.

Tools to Manage EC2 Costs

Many tools within AWS are invaluable for AWS users looking to optimize their EC2 costs. Popular ones include the following:

  • AWS Compute Optimizer: This tool provides recommendations for optimal EC2 instance types and configurations based on historical usage patterns, helping reduce costs without compromising on performance. 
  • AWS Cost Explorer: Cost Explorer enables us to visualize and understand our EC2 spending over time. We can analyze our instance usage, identify trends, and see the impact of reserved instances and savings plans on our overall costs.
  • AWS Pricing Calculator: The AWS Pricing Calculator allows us to estimate the cost of our EC2 instances and configurations before deployment. 

Read more: Explore more tools for cost management with use cases and real-world examples at


Choosing the right EC2 instance purchasing option depends on your specific use case, budget, and flexibility requirements. Whether it’s the cost-effective Spot Instances for interruptible workloads or Dedicated Hosts for compliance-heavy applications, AWS provides a diverse range of options to cater to various business needs. By understanding each option and aligning it with your operational requirements, you can optimize your AWS investment effectively.

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