AWS KMS Feature Summary

all aws aws kms aws security Jan 25, 2024


Delving into the realm of AWS Key Management Service (KMS), this summary is your go-to guide for knowing about the comprehensive features and capabilities of KMS. Whether you're an IT professional, a developer, or simply keen on cloud security, this overview will shed light on the key aspects of AWS KMS.

Key Creation and Management in AWS KMS

AWS KMS empowers us to create both symmetric and asymmetric KMS keys, including HMAC keys. This flexibility allows for a range of security needs and scenarios. We can effortlessly edit, view, and manage these keys, ensuring your data is always protected.

Access Control: Key Policies and ABAC

Controlling access to our KMS keys is a cornerstone of cloud security. AWS KMS integrates key policies, IAM policies, and grants for access management. With attribute-based access control (ABAC), our access control measures can be as detailed and specific as needed, further refined by condition keys.

Efficient Management with Aliases and Tags

Using aliases, we can assign easily recognizable names to our KMS keys, simplifying management and access control. Tagging further enhances this by aiding in identification, automation, and cost tracking, offering an additional layer of management and control.

Lifecycle Management: Enabling and Deleting Keys

AWS KMS facilitates the complete lifecycle management of our keys. We can enable or disable keys as required and automate the rotation of cryptographic material. When a key's lifecycle ends, safely and securely delete it from the system.

Cryptographic Operations: The Power of KMS Keys

Beyond management, AWS KMS keys are pivotal in cryptographic operations. Encrypt, decrypt, re-encrypt data, sign messages, generate data keys and HMAC codes, and produce cryptographically secure random numbers - all possible with KMS keys.

Advanced KMS Features

AWS KMS goes beyond basic key management with advanced features. These include multi-Region keys, importing cryptographic material, creating keys in AWS CloudHSM or external key stores, and secure connections via private VPC endpoints. Additionally, it offers hybrid post-quantum TLS for advanced encryption in transit.


AWS KMS is a robust, versatile tool for cryptographic key management and operations. It's designed to cater to a wide spectrum of encryption requirements, making it an essential component for enhancing security in the AWS cloud. With its comprehensive features, AWS KMS stands as a critical tool in your data security arsenal.

See also

Read about ABAC at

Read about hybrid post-quantum TLS at

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