Demystifying AWS IAM PassRole for Delegating Permissions in AWS

aws aws iam aws security Mar 14, 2024


The IAM PassRole permission plays a crucial role in securely managing access to AWS resources. It allows IAM entities (like users, roles, or services) to delegate permissions to AWS services, empowering those services to act on behalf of the user or another service. This delegation is accomplished by passing an IAM role to the AWS service, which then assumes the permissions defined in the role.

Real-World Use Cases

Consider a scenario where a company needs to run applications on EC2 instances that access objects in an S3 bucket. Instead of embedding static credentials or using a less secure method, the company can leverage IAM roles and the PassRole permission for a more secure and flexible solution.

  • EC2 Instances Accessing S3: By creating an IAM role with the necessary permissions to access the S3 bucket and allowing an EC2 instance to assume this role, the application running on the EC2 instance can securely access S3 objects without managing static credentials.

  • AWS Lambda Accessing Other Services: Similarly, for serverless applications running on AWS Lambda that need to interact with other AWS services (like DynamoDB or RDS), you can create an IAM role with the necessary permissions and use the PassRole permission to allow Lambda functions to assume this role.

How to Delegate Passing Permissions

To implement this securely, we must ensure that only approved users or entities can pass IAM roles to AWS services. This is done by granting the iam:PassRole permission to the user's IAM role, user, or group. It's important to note that PassRole itself is not an API call and thus does not generate CloudTrail logs directly. Instead, we should review CloudTrail logs for the actions that created or modified the resource which received the IAM role, to audit who passed which role to what service.

Sample Scenario: Securely Configuring an Application

Let's break down a sample scenario to illustrate how this works:

  1. Create an IAM Role: Create an IAM role with the specific permissions needed by our application to access other AWS resources. For example, this role could have permissions to read from an S3 bucket and write logs to CloudWatch.

  2. Grant PassRole Permission: Grant the iam:PassRole permission to our developers' IAM user, role, or group. This enables them to pass the previously created IAM role to AWS services but does not allow them to modify the role's permissions directly.

  3. Deploy the Application: When deploying an application, such as an AWS Lambda function, the developer specifies the IAM role to be assumed by the Lambda function. AWS Lambda then assumes this role, inheriting its permissions.

  4. Audit with CloudTrail: To maintain security, regularly audit CloudTrail logs to check which IAM roles were passed by whom and to which services. This helps in ensuring that only approved roles are used and identifies any unauthorized attempts.

Limiting Permissions: Allow User to Pass Only Approved Roles

To further tighten security, AWS administrators can specify conditions in IAM policies to restrict which roles a user can pass, ensuring that users can only pass roles that have been explicitly approved. This granular control is critical in environments where the principle of least privilege is enforced, minimizing the risk of excessive permissions.


Understanding and implementing the PassRole permission in AWS IAM enables organizations to manage access to their resources more securely and efficiently. By allowing specific users to delegate permissions to AWS services through IAM roles, businesses can maintain a high-security posture while ensuring their applications have the access they need. Remember, the key to effective use of PassRole is careful management and regular auditing to ensure that only the necessary permissions are granted and used.

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