IP Address Redundancy Options in Azure: A Beginner's Guide

all azure azure networking Dec 10, 2023

Navigating the complexities of cloud infrastructure can be daunting, especially when ensuring our services are always available. IP address redundancy is a crucial component in this landscape. Let's demystify this topic to understand how Azure's redundancy options can benefit our applications.

What is IP Address Redundancy?

IP address redundancy is setting up your public IP addresses in Azure to ensure high availability. If one part of the Azure infrastructure encounters issues, our application remains accessible through redundant IP configurations.

Availability Zones

Azure's geography is divided into regions, and within these regions are Availability Zones (AZs) - physically separate locations containing one or more data centres. When configuring our public IP address in Azure, we have several AZ options:

  1. No-Zone (None):

    • No specific AZ is assigned to your IP address. Azure does not guarantee that it will be placed in or remain in a specific zone. The resource could be moved between zones for load balancing or other operational reasons without the user's explicit control.
    • Best for non-critical applications where continuous availability isn't a necessity.
  2. Zone-Redundant:

    • Our IP address isn't tied to a specific AZ but replicated across multiple regional zones.
    • Ideal for mission-critical applications that require high availability and resiliency.
  3. Zone-Specific (1, 2, 3):

    • Assign our IP address to a specific AZ.
    • Suitable for scenarios where data must reside in a particular location due to compliance or latency optimization.

When to Select Each Availability Option

  • No-Zone: Choose when deploying non-critical or test environments where cost considerations outweigh the need for high availability.
  • Zone-Redundant: Opt for services that must remain highly available and resilient to AZ disruptions, such as financial platforms or e-commerce sites.
  • Zone-Specific: Select when we need to align with other services in the same zone, or when specific compliance or data sovereignty requirements are in play.

Global vs. Regional Tiers

When setting up IP address redundancy, we'll also need to decide between Global and Regional tiers:

  • Global Tier: Creates an IP address that can be used globally, suitable for services that require a wide-reaching presence.
  • Regional Tier: Restricts the IP address to a specific region, which can benefit localized services or when data residency is a concern.

It's important to note that our public IP address's tier must match your load balancer's tier.

Load Balancing and Redundancy

Load balancers distribute traffic across multiple servers or zones. In Azure, they work hand-in-hand with your redundancy strategy:

  • Cross-Region Load Balancer: Distributes traffic across regional backends, suitable for global-tier IPs.
  • Regional Load Balancer: Distributes traffic within a virtual network aligned with regional-tier IPs.


IP address redundancy in Azure offers a flexible approach to keep our services running, regardless of outages or disruptions. By carefully selecting our availability zones and aligning our tiers, we can ensure that our application can withstand the trials of an unpredictable digital environment. Remember, the key to a successful redundancy strategy is to balance the cost against the need for availability, reliability, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

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