Setting Up High Availability for AWS CloudHSM

all aws aws cloudhsm aws kms aws security Jan 27, 2024


AWS CloudHSM offers a highly secure and flexible hardware security module (HSM) service that helps us meet compliance requirements for our cryptographic operations. Ensuring high availability of our CloudHSM service is crucial for maintaining security and uninterrupted operations. This blog post provides a step-by-step approach to setting up high availability for AWS CloudHSM.

What You Need Before Starting

  • An active AWS account.
  • Basic knowledge of AWS services.
  • VPC and subnets set up in different Availability Zones (AZs).

Step 1: Plan Our High Availability Architecture

Before we start, we need to plan our architecture. AWS CloudHSM allows us to create clusters that can operate across multiple Availability Zones. For high availability, ensure that our CloudHSM cluster spans at least two AZs. This setup ensures that if one AZ goes down, the other can continue to serve requests.

Step 2: Create a CloudHSM Cluster

  1. Log into the AWS Management Console and navigate to the CloudHSM service.
  2. Create a new cluster by selecting a VPC and specifying at least two different subnets in separate Availability Zones. This is crucial for high availability.
  3. Review and create the cluster. AWS will provision the initial HSM instance in one of the selected subnets.

Step 3: Initialize the Cluster

After the cluster has been created and the initial HSM instance is provisioned:

  1. Download the cluster’s configuration file from the CloudHSM console. This file contains necessary information for connecting to the cluster.
  2. Use the CloudHSM client to initialize the cluster. This process involves setting up an initial cluster password and getting the cluster's certificate signed. The AWS CloudHSM documentation provides detailed commands for these steps.

Step 4: Add Additional HSMs to the Cluster

For high availability, add more HSM instances to your cluster:

  1. Navigate to our cluster in the CloudHSM console and choose to add a new HSM.
  2. Select another subnet in a different Availability Zone than your initial HSM. This ensures that your cluster spans multiple AZs.
  3. Wait for the HSM to be provisioned and appear in the console.

Repeat this process as necessary to meet your high availability and redundancy requirements.

Step 5: Synchronize the HSMs

Once we have multiple HSMs in our cluster, ensure they are synchronized:

  1. Use the CloudHSM client to list all HSMs in our cluster.
  2. Check the synchronization status to ensure that all HSMs are in sync. The CloudHSM software tools provide commands to verify synchronization.

Step 6: Implement Load Balancing and Failover

To distribute cryptographic requests among the HSMs and ensure failover capabilities:

  1. Configure our application to use the AWS CloudHSM’s cluster IP address. This IP address automatically routes requests to an available HSM in the cluster.
  2. Test failover by manually stopping an HSM instance and ensuring our application can still perform cryptographic operations through the remaining HSMs.

Step 7: Monitor and Maintain Our Cluster

  • Regularly monitor the health and status of our CloudHSM cluster through the AWS CloudHSM console.
  • Perform regular backups and updates as recommended by AWS to ensure the security and reliability of our HSMs.


Setting up high availability for AWS CloudHSM is a straightforward process that significantly enhances the resilience and reliability of our cryptographic operations. By following these steps, we can ensure that our AWS CloudHSM cluster is robust against failures and capable of supporting your application's needs without interruption.

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