Understanding Aliases for AWS KMS Keys

all aws aws kms aws security Jan 27, 2024


AWS KMS is a managed service that makes it easy for us to create and control the encryption keys used to encrypt our data. Aliases in AWS KMS are friendly names that point to KMS keys. They are essentially an abstraction layer that allows us to use more memorable and meaningful names for our keys, instead of dealing directly with the keys' IDs or ARNs (Amazon Resource Names).

The Need for Aliases

  1. Readability and Ease of Use: Aliases make it easier to reference keys in your application code or when using AWS services that integrate with KMS. Instead of using a long and complex key ID or ARN, you can use a simple alias like alias/myApplicationKey.

  2. Key Rotation: Aliases facilitate easier key rotation. You can create a new key and point the alias from the old key to the new key without having to update the applications or services that reference the alias. This makes the key rotation process seamless and transparent to applications.

  3. Management and Organization: Aliases help in organizing and managing keys more efficiently. By using descriptive names, it's easier to identify and differentiate between keys intended for different purposes or environments (e.g., alias/production vs. alias/testing).

How to Set Up Aliases

Setting up an alias in AWS KMS involves a few steps:

Step 1: Create a KMS Key

Before we create an alias, we need to have a KMS key. We can create a new KMS key through the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or SDKs.

  • Steps for AWS Management Console: Go to the KMS section and create a new key by following the guided setup.

Step 2: Create an Alias for the KMS Key

Once you have a KMS key, you can create an alias.

  • AWS Management Console: Navigate to the "Aliases" section in KMS, select "Create alias", choose the KMS key for the alias, and specify the alias name (it must start with alias/).

Step 3: Use the Alias

After creating an alias, you can use it in place of the key ID or ARN in AWS API calls or when configuring AWS services that integrate with KMS.

Best Practices and Considerations

  • Clearly Define Alias Naming Conventions: Establish a naming convention for aliases that is descriptive and reflects their purpose, environment, or associated application. This approach enhances clarity and security posture.
  • Leverage IAM Policies and Key Policies: Use IAM policies and KMS key policies to control access to KMS keys and their aliases. Ensure that only authorized personnel and services can use or manage these keys.
  • Regularly audit and update key policies to ensure they align with our security requirements and compliance standards.
  • Implement key rotation where appropriate, using aliases to minimize the impact on applications.
  • Each alias must be unique and only associated with one KMS key at a time. We cannot have multiple aliases pointing to the same KMS key in AWS KMS.


By following these steps and considerations in the blog post, we can effectively use aliases in AWS KMS to manage our encryption keys more efficiently and securely.

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