Understanding AWS Policy Variables with Practical Examples

all aws aws iam aws policies aws security Apr 06, 2024


AWS policy variables offer a dynamic way to customize your AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies, providing flexibility and security tailored to your infrastructure's needs. This blog post simplifies these concepts with easy-to-understand definitions and real-world applications.

Commonly used policy variables and use cases

IAM Username - ${aws:username}

  • Definition: This variable dynamically replaces itself with the IAM username of the entity executing the request.
  • Use Case: Imagine you're managing a project with several developers needing access to specific AWS resources. Using ${aws:username}, you can create personalized folders in an S3 bucket where each developer uploads their work, ensuring data is organized and securely accessed only by the rightful owner.

IAM User/Role ID - ${aws:userid}

  • Definition: Represents the unique identifier for the IAM user or role initiating the request.
  • Use Case: In a scenario where tracking the actions of specific users or roles within your AWS environment is crucial, ${aws:userid} can help log activities based on unique identifiers, enhancing audit capabilities and security monitoring.

Current Time - ${aws:CurrentTime}

  • Definition: Reflects the current date and time in UTC format, specifically in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
  • Use Case: Suppose you need to enforce a policy where resources can only be accessed during business hours. Utilizing ${aws:CurrentTime}, you can dynamically adjust access permissions based on the time of the request, adding an extra layer of security during off-hours.

Epoch Time - ${aws:EpochTime}

  • Definition: The current UTC date and time represented as seconds since January 1, 1970 (Unix epoch time).
  • Use Case: For time-sensitive operations, like temporary credentials or access, ${aws:EpochTime} could be used to ensure that a request falls within a specified time frame, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access outside the intended period.

Principal Type - ${aws:principaltype}

  • Definition: Identifies the type of principal (user, role, federated user, etc.) making the request.
  • Use Case: In a multi-layered access control system, differentiating access between roles, users, and federated users is vital. ${aws:principaltype} can conditionally grant access, ensuring that only the right type of principal can perform specific actions.

Secure Transport - ${aws:SecureTransport}

  • Definition: A Boolean indicator that shows whether the request was made over SSL.
  • Use Case: To enhance security, you might enforce that all requests to your API must be made over SSL. By checking ${aws:SecureTransport}, you can automatically deny any request not secured, ensuring data in transit remains encrypted.

Source IP - ${aws:SourceIp}

  • Definition: Captures the IP address from which the request was made, allowing for IP-based restrictions.
  • Use Case: If you want to restrict access to your AWS resources to a corporate network, ${aws:SourceIp} can be used to whitelist IP ranges of your office, effectively blocking access from unknown locations.

User Agent - ${aws:UserAgent}

  • Definition: The request's client application user agent string.
  • Use Case: You could use ${aws:UserAgent} to restrict access to your services to only certain types of client applications, enhancing security by preventing unauthorized or unsupported clients from making requests.

Requester - ${aws:Requester}

  • Definition: Denotes the AWS account ID of the entity making the request, useful in scenarios involving cross-account access.
  • Use Case: For a collaborative project involving multiple AWS accounts, ${aws:Requester} can help ensure that resources are only accessed by authorized accounts, simplifying cross-account security management.

Source VPC and Related Variables - ${aws:sourceVpc}, ${aws:sourceVpce}, ${aws:sourceVpcIpv4CidrBlock}

  • Definition: These variables control access based on the originating Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), VPC Endpoint, or the VPC's IPv4 CIDR block.
  • Use Case: Securely exposing a service to specific VPCs while blocking all others becomes straightforward with these variables. They allow for fine-grained control over which VPC or VPC endpoint can access your AWS resources.

Tag-Based Access Control - ${aws:TagKeys}, ${aws:RequestTag/tag-key}

  • Definition: Facilitates access control decisions based on the tags associated with a request.
  • Use Case: Implementing cost control measures by allowing or denying actions based on specific tags. For example, preventing the creation of resources unless they're tagged with a department code, ensuring all resources are easily trackable for billing purposes.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Present - ${aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent}

  • Definition: A Boolean value indicating if the request was made using Multi-Factor Authentication.
  • Use Case: Enhancing security by requiring MFA.


AWS Policy Variables serve as the backbone for creating responsive and secure access policies tailored to our unique cloud environment. By incorporating these variables into our IAM policies, we're not just enforcing security; we're crafting a dynamic, intelligent framework that adapts to the evolving needs of our organization. From ensuring that only certain IP ranges can access our resources to enabling access based on the time of day, these variables offer a level of customization that traditional static policies cannot match.

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