Understanding AWS Trusted Advisor

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AWS Trusted Advisor is like having a personal cloud consultant that scans our AWS environment and provides real-time guidance to help us follow AWS best practices. It covers a broad range of areas including cost optimization, performance improvement, security, fault tolerance, and adherence to service limits. By offering actionable recommendations, Trusted Advisor helps us optimize our AWS resources, improve system performance, enhance security, and avoid hitting service limits.

Key Benefits of AWS Trusted Advisor

Trusted Advisor examines our AWS environment using a set of checks and provides recommendations in five critical areas:

  1. Cost Optimization: Helps us save money by identifying idle and underutilized resources.
  2. Performance: Offers advice on how to improve the efficiency and speed of our resources.
  3. Service Limits: Alerts us when we're close to reaching AWS service limits, helping us manage resources effectively and avoid service interruptions.
  4. Fault Tolerance: Assists in improving the reliability and availability of our applications by identifying risks and suggesting improvements.
  5. Security: Enhances our environment's security by identifying lax security configurations, such as overly permissive access to resources.

Real-World Applications

  • Saving Costs by Identifying Underutilized Resources: If we have instances running without being fully utilized, Trusted Advisor can point these out, allowing us to downscale and save on costs.
  • Improving Security Posture: For companies concerned about security, Trusted Advisor proactively identifies misconfigurations (like misconfigured security groups that allow unrestricted access to specific ports) and suggests tightening your security settings.
  • Continuously Monitor for Best Practices: By continuously monitoring our AWS environment, Trusted Advisor provides insights and recommendations in five categories: cost, performance, service limits, fault tolerance and security, to optimise your setup across various categories.


AWS Trusted Advisor is an indispensable tool for anyone using AWS, offering a comprehensive suite of recommendations tailored to your specific environment. By leveraging Trusted Advisor, you can ensure your AWS resources are efficient, secure, and fully optimized. Whether you're concerned about keeping costs down, maintaining peak performance, adhering to service limits, ensuring fault tolerance, or securing your environment, AWS Trusted Advisor has you covered.

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