Understanding Data Keys in AWS KMS

all aws aws kms aws security Jan 25, 2024


A key feature within AWS KMS is the use of data keys. These are special types of symmetric keys designed for encrypting large amounts of data or other encryption keys.

What Are Data Keys?

Data keys are unique in that they are generated and used outside of AWS KMS. Unlike symmetric KMS keys, which are confined within the AWS KMS environment, users can download and manage data keys for their specific encryption needs.

Generating Data Keys

AWS KMS facilitates the creation of data keys through two primary operations:

  1. GenerateDataKey: This operation generates a data key and encrypts a copy of it under a specified KMS key. It returns both a plaintext and an encrypted version of the data key.
  2. GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext: In scenarios where the plaintext version is not needed immediately, this operation provides only the encrypted version of the data key.

Using Data Keys for Encryption and Decryption

Encrypting Data

AWS KMS itself does not encrypt data using data keys. Users must utilize external tools or libraries, like OpenSSL or AWS Encryption SDK, for this purpose. After encryption, the plaintext data key should be removed from memory promptly.

Decrypting Data

To decrypt data, users pass the encrypted data key to AWS KMS's Decrypt operation. KMS decrypts the data key, which can then be used to decrypt the encrypted data.

How KMS Key Status Affects Data Keys

The usability of a KMS key directly influences the functionality of data keys encrypted with it. If a KMS key becomes unusable (due to disabling, deletion, or other reasons), any cryptographic operations using that key will fail. This situation can have significant implications, especially in services like Amazon EBS and EC2, where data keys are used for encrypting volumes and disk I/O operations.

Important Points to Remember for Exams

  • Data Keys vs. KMS Keys: Understand the difference between data keys (which can be used outside AWS KMS) and symmetric KMS keys (confined within AWS KMS).
  • Generation Operations: Know the two key operations – GenerateDataKey and GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext.
  • External Encryption/Decryption: Be aware that encryption and decryption with data keys are performed outside AWS KMS using external tools or libraries.
  • Secure Handling: Remember the importance of removing the plaintext data key from memory after use.
  • KMS Key Status: Understand how the usability of a KMS key impacts the data keys encrypted by it.
  • Use Cases in AWS Services: Familiarize yourself with how AWS services like Amazon EBS and EC2 use data keys for encryption and the implications of unusable KMS keys.


By understanding these concepts and their applications, beginners can effectively navigate the complexities of AWS KMS and its use of data keys. Whether for practical implementation or exam preparation, these points provide a foundational understanding of data keys in AWS KMS.

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