Understanding EBS Snapshot Sharing and Migration

all aws amazon ec2 aws storage Feb 03, 2024


Amazon EBS snapshots are a snapshot in time of our EBS volumes. Think of them as a detailed photo of our data, allowing us to capture its exact state at a specific moment. These snapshots can be incredibly useful, not just for backups, but for sharing our data with others or moving it across different parts of AWS. Let’s break down how we can leverage snapshot sharing and migration for various scenarios.

When to Use Snapshot Sharing

Scenario 1: Collaborative Projects

  • When: We're working on a project with a team located in different AWS accounts.
  • Why: Share our data without having to duplicate efforts or send large files over the internet.
  • How: Go to the AWS Management Console, select our snapshot, and under the “Actions” menu, choose “Modify Permissions” to share it with specific AWS accounts.

Scenario 2: Offering Datasets for Public Use

  • When: We want to share our dataset with the broader community for research or educational purposes.
  • Why: Allows others to benefit from our data and build upon it.
  • How: Similar to collaborative projects, but instead of specifying accounts, we mark the snapshot as “Public” in the permissions settings.

When to Use Snapshot Migration

Scenario 1: Regional Data Migration

  • When: We need to move our application or data closer to our users in another region to reduce latency.
  • Why: Enhances user experience by speeding up data access.
  • How: In the AWS Management Console, select the snapshot we wish to migrate, click on “Actions”, and then “Copy”. Choose the destination region and start the copy process.

Scenario 2: Disaster Recovery Planning

  • When: We want to ensure business continuity by having backups stored in multiple geographic locations.
  • Why: Protects against data loss in case of regional AWS service disruptions.
  • How: Follow the same steps as in regional data migration but do this regularly as part of your backup strategy.

Scenario 3: Account Consolidation or Transfer

  • When: We're restructuring our AWS accounts, possibly consolidating data from multiple accounts into one.
  • Why: Simplifies management and potentially reduces costs.
  • How: First, share the snapshot with the target AWS account (as described in sharing scenarios). Then, in the receiving account, copy the shared snapshot to create a new EBS volume.

Basic Steps for Snapshot Sharing and Migration

  1. Identify the Snapshot: Start by deciding which snapshot we need to share or migrate based on our scenario.
  2. Adjust Permissions for Sharing: For sharing, modify the snapshot's permissions to either specific AWS accounts or make it public.
  3. Copy for Migration: For migration, use the copy function to move snapshots to another region or account (after sharing, if necessary).
  4. Monitor the Process: Whether sharing or migrating, keep an eye on the process from the AWS Management Console to ensure it completes successfully.


Snapshot sharing and migration are powerful features of Amazon EBS that can significantly enhance collaboration, improve data access speed, and ensure our data's safety across regions or accounts. Understanding when and how to use these features can make our cloud storage strategy more flexible and robust. Remember, handling data with care and strategic planning will always keep us one step ahead in managing our AWS resources effectively.

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