Understanding EC2 Instance Types

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Welcome to the world of Amazon EC2 instance types! This guide aims to simplify our understanding of various EC2 instance types, making it easier for us to prepare for exams and choose the right type for our needs.

General Purpose Instances

Ideal For: Web servers, code repositories, microservices, and small and medium databases.

Key Types:

  • T3/T3a (burstable performance, Intel Xeon and AMD processors), optimized for applications with variable CPU usage that occasionally need to burst.
  • M5/M5a/M5n (balance of compute, memory, and networking resources, Intel Xeon and AMD processors), designed for applications requiring a balanced set of resources.
  • A1 (cost-effective, AWS Graviton processors), suitable for scale-out workloads and applications that do not require high CPU performance.

Example Use Case: Hosting development environments, business applications, and small to medium databases.

Compute Optimized Instances

Ideal For: High-performance web servers, scientific modeling, online gaming, machine learning inference.

Key Types:

  • C5/C5n (raw computing power, Intel Xeon Platinum processor), offering the latest in processor technology to handle compute-intensive workloads.
  • C6/C6g (intensive applications, AWS Graviton2 processors), designed for performance efficiency.
  • T4g (burstable, general-purpose workloads, AWS Graviton2 processors), providing a cost-efficient option for varying CPU demands.

Example Use Case: Online gaming, media transcoding (C5/C5n), high-performance computing, video encoding (C6/C6g), and microservices (T4g).

Memory Optimized Instances

Ideal For: High-performance databases, real-time Big Data analytics, large in-memory cache applications.

Key Types:

  • R5/R5a/R5n (high memory needs, Intel and AMD processors), suited for memory-intensive applications.
  • X1/X1e (SAP HANA, Apache Spark), optimized for large-scale enterprise applications.
  • High Memory Instances (up to 24TB RAM, large databases), designed for massive memory workloads.
  • Z1d (high compute capacity and a high memory footprint), perfect for workloads that require both high throughput and high memory.

Example Use Case: Running high in-memory databases like SAP HANA, Big Data analytics on Hadoop, and electronic design automation (Z1d).

Accelerated Computing Instances

Ideal For: Applications that benefit from parallel processing capabilities, such as those requiring GPUs for graphics processing, floating-point calculations, and machine learning applications.

Key Types:

  • P4 (machine learning, Intel Xeon processors, NVIDIA GPUs), the latest generation offering unparalleled computational power.
  • G3/G4 (graphics-intensive applications, NVIDIA Tesla/T4 GPUs), optimized for graphics and virtualization.
  • P4d (next-gen machine learning and high-performance computing), providing higher efficiency and scalability.

Example Use Case: Deep learning applications, high-performance databases (P3/P2), graphics-intensive applications (G3/G4), and large-scale machine learning (P4d).

Storage Optimized Instances

Ideal For: High-demand storage tasks, sizeable local datasets.

Key Types:

  • Im4gn (storage-centric workloads, AWS Graviton2 processors), optimized for high I/O operations and storage.
  • D2 (high-density storage, HDD-based), designed for massive data storage needs.
  • H1 (high disk throughput and capacity), ideal for big data applications and data-intensive workloads.

Example Use Case: Managing extensive datasets in MPP data warehousing, Hadoop computing, and large-scale data processing (H1).

Networking, Sustainability, and Cost Considerations

Networking Performance: Enhanced Networking is supported across various instance types, offering up to 100 Gbps of bandwidth for the most demanding applications.

Sustainability: AWS is committed to sustainability, and selecting the right instance type can contribute to more energy-efficient computing, reducing the overall carbon footprint.

Cost Considerations: Optimizing costs is crucial, and AWS provides options like Spot Instances, Reserved Instances, and Savings Plans to help manage expenses effectively while maximizing performance.



Each instance type caters to specific workload requirements, offering a mix of memory, CPU, storage, and networking capacities. This guide should help us navigate the options to select the most suitable EC2 instance type for your needs.

See also

For a more comprehensive overview and detailed specifications, you can visit aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types.

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