Understanding Encryption of EBS Volumes and Snapshots

all aws amazon ec2 aws feature 101 aws security aws storage Jan 22, 2024


Encrypting our EBS volumes and snapshots ensures our data is unreadable to unauthorized users. When we encrypt an EBS volume, it encrypts our data at rest within the volume, the data moving between the volume and our instances, and all snapshots created from the volume. Encryption and decryption processes are transparent, requiring no extra effort from the user. EBS encryption uses the robust AES-256 encryption standard and leverages keys from AWS Key Management Service (KMS).

Key Features of Amazon EBS Encryption

  1. Data Protection: Encryption covers data at rest inside the volume, data in transit between an instance and an encrypted volume, and all snapshots.
  2. Transparency: Encryption and decryption are seamlessly handled without user intervention.
  3. Performance: Encryption has minimal impact on latency.
  4. Key Management: Utilizes AWS Key Management Service (KMS) with AES-256 encryption. We can use default AWS-managed keys or create our customer-managed keys.
  5. Snapshot Flexibility: Encrypted snapshots can be created from unencrypted snapshots, and all snapshots of encrypted volumes are automatically encrypted.

Encrypting New EBS Volumes

  1. Through AWS Management Console: When creating a new EBS volume in the AWS console, check the "Encrypt this volume" option. Choose a KMS master key, and you're set.

  2. Using AWS CLI: We can also create encrypted volumes via the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) by specifying the encryption parameters. 

Encrypting an Unencrypted EBS Volume

To encrypt an unencrypted EBS volume, we need to follow these steps:

  1. Create an EBS snapshot of the volume.
  2. Encrypt this snapshot (using the copy function).
  3. Create a new EBS volume from this encrypted snapshot.
  4. Attach this new encrypted volume to our instance.

Encrypting Snapshots

When we encrypt a volume, all of its snapshots are automatically encrypted. Likewise, when we create a volume from an encrypted snapshot, that new volume is also encrypted.

Best Practices and Additional Features

  • Default KMS Key: Amazon EBS automatically creates a unique AWS-managed key in each region, used by default for encryption. However, we can use a customer-managed symmetric encryption key for added flexibility.
  • Encryption by Default: We can configure our AWS account to encrypt all new EBS volumes and snapshot copies.
  • Permissions and Policies: When using a customer-managed CMK, we must create the key and set up necessary policies in AWS KMS and IAM (Identity and Access Management).
  • Region-Specific: Remember that KMS keys are region-specific. We need to manage keys in each region where we use encrypted volumes.
  • Access Control: Control who can use the KMS keys to prevent unauthorized access
  • Performance: Encryption may slightly impact I/O performance, but AWS’s advanced algorithms minimize this impact.
  • Creating and Sharing Encrypted Snapshots: Encrypted snapshots can be shared across accounts, allowing for versatile data management and backup strategies.
  • AWS CloudFormation Support: We can use AWS CloudFormation to create encrypted EBS volumes, streamlining the infrastructure setup process.


Amazon EBS encryption is vital for ensuring data security, offering robust encryption with minimal performance overhead and seamless integration into your AWS environment. Whether managing sensitive data or looking to bolster our data protection measures, understanding and utilizing EBS encryption is crucial for maintaining data integrity and security in the cloud.

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