Understanding Managed Identities in Azure: A Shift from Service Principals

all azure azure security Jan 08, 2024

Azure's Managed Identities is a leap forward from the traditional use of Service Principals, offering a more secure and streamlined approach to managing identities within Azure. Let's delve into the world of Managed Identities, understand why they're needed, their benefits, and how they compare to the older method of using Service Principals.

The Need for Managed Identities

Traditionally, applications required credentials to access resources like databases, APIs, or other services. These credentials, if managed poorly, could lead to complex management issues and security vulnerabilities. Enter Managed Identities - an Azure feature that eliminates the need for developers to manage credentials manually, thereby enhancing security and simplifying the overall process.

Benefits of Managed Identities

  1. Automatic Credential Management: Azure takes over the responsibility of generating, rotating, and managing the credentials, significantly reducing the manual overhead.
  2. Enhanced Security: By removing the need to handle credentials, the risk of them being leaked is significantly mitigated.
  3. Ease of Use: Developers can focus on building their applications without worrying about the complexities of identity management.
  4. Cost-Efficiency: This feature comes at no additional cost over the Azure resources you're already using.

The Predecessor: Service Principals

Before Managed Identities were introduced, Service Principals were the go-to method for providing applications with an identity to access Azure resources. A Service Principal is essentially an identity for an application to use when connecting to resources that support Azure Active Directory authentication.

Challenges with Service Principals:

  1. Manual Credential Management: Developers had to manually handle and rotate the credentials associated with the Service Principal.
  2. Security Risks: Poorly managed credentials were a ticking bomb, potentially leading to unauthorized access if leaked.
  3. Complex Lifecycle Management: Administrators had to carefully manage the lifecycle of each Service Principal.

The Shift to Managed Identities

Managed Identities automate and abstract the management of Service Principals. When you enable a Managed Identity for an Azure service, Azure automatically creates a Service Principal in the background, manages its credentials, and assigns it to your service. This shift addresses the challenges posed by Service Principals and offers a more secure and simplified management approach.

System vs. User-Assigned Managed Identities

Azure offers two types of managed identities:

  1. System-Assigned Managed Identity: Directly tied to an Azure service instance and is automatically deleted when the service is deleted.

    • Pros: Simple setup and automatic cleanup.
    • Cons: Not reusable across services and tightly coupled with the service instance.
  2. User-Assigned Managed Identity: A standalone Azure resource that can be associated with one or more instances.

    • Pros: Reusable and can exist independently of service instances.
    • Cons: Slightly more complex to set up and manage.

Choosing Between System and User-Assigned Managed Identities

The choice boils down to your operational needs:

  • System-assigned is ideal for straightforward scenarios where each service needs its own identity.
  • User-assigned is better when you need a flexible solution that can be shared across multiple services or outlive the services it's associated with.


By automating the management of credentials and providing a more secure method for accessing Azure services, managed Identities alleviate many of the challenges associated with traditional credential management. Whether we choose system or user-assigned managed identities, the move towards this modern approach is a step forward in building secure and efficient applications in the cloud.

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