Understanding Microsoft Entra SSO Integration with IAM Identity Center

all aws all azure aws iam aws security azure security multi-cloud Jan 10, 2024


In today's interconnected digital environment, integrating different identity management systems is a key step in streamlining user access and enhancing security. This blog post focuses on simplifying the integration of Microsoft Entra SSO with AWS IAM Identity Center, ensuring that even those less familiar with these systems can understand the process.

Why Integrate?

Integrating AWS IAM Identity Center with Microsoft Entra ID offers several advantages:

  • Centralized control of access to AWS services.
  • Automated sign-in for users via their Microsoft Entra accounts.
  • Simplified account management in one location.

What You Need Before Starting

Before diving into the integration process, make sure we have:

  • A Microsoft Entra subscription.
  • An active AWS IAM Identity Center subscription.

Key Steps in the Integration Process

1. Adding AWS IAM Identity Center in Microsoft Entra ID

Begin by adding AWS IAM Identity Center to your list of managed SaaS applications in Microsoft Entra. This is done through the admin center by searching for AWS IAM Identity Center in the application gallery.

2. Configuring Microsoft Entra SSO

Next, set up Microsoft Entra SSO for AWS IAM Identity Center. This involves selecting the SAML single sign-on method and uploading the Service Provider metadata file, or manually configuring the SAML settings.

3. Setting Up Users in Microsoft Entra

Create a test user in Microsoft Entra (e.g., B.Simon) and grant them access to AWS IAM Identity Center. This step is crucial for testing the SSO functionality later.

4. Adjusting Settings in AWS IAM Identity Center

In AWS IAM Identity Center, configure the SSO settings to recognize Microsoft Entra as the external identity provider. Upload the metadata file from Microsoft Entra and copy necessary URLs for configuration.

5. Creating Corresponding Users in AWS

Mirror the test user in AWS IAM Identity Center, ensuring the usernames in both systems match. Assign the user to the required AWS account and set appropriate permission levels.

6. Testing the Integration

Finally, test the single sign-on process from both the service provider and identity provider perspectives to ensure everything is functioning correctly.

Final Thoughts and Next Steps

This integration is a significant step towards efficient and secure identity management. Once completed, explore advanced features like session control with Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps for enhanced security.

For detailed instructions, screenshots, and further exploration, refer to the comprehensive tutorial at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/identity/saas-apps/aws-single-sign-on-tutorial

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