Understanding Security Groups in AWS

all aws aws networking aws security Feb 21, 2024


In AWS, a Security Group acts as a filter that controls the inbound (incoming) and outbound (outgoing) traffic to our EC2 instances. We can specify rules that allow or deny traffic based on several parameters, such as IP addresses, ports, and protocols (e.g., TCP, UDP, ICMP). This capability is essential for building secure and efficient network architectures in the cloud. Think of Security Groups as virtual firewalls that protect our EC2 instances. They are crucial in defining who can or cannot access our instances and under what conditions.

Stateful vs. Stateless

To understand Security Groups better, it's crucial to grasp two fundamental concepts in networking: stateful and stateless. 

  • Stateful means the system remembers the state of interactions. If an inbound rule allows traffic to enter, the outbound traffic in response is automatically allowed, regardless of the outbound rules. This behaviour ensures that only requested responses to allowed inbound traffic are permitted out of the instance, enhancing security and traffic flow management. Security Groups are stateful

  • Stateless refers to systems that do not retain session information. Each packet of data is treated independently without regard to any previous packet. This is how network access control lists (NACLs) in AWS operate, which evaluate each incoming and outgoing packet independently without considering its connection state.

This means when we configure a rule that allows traffic to flow into our instance (inbound), the responses to that traffic (outbound) are automatically allowed without needing to allow outbound responses explicitly. This simplifies configuration and ensures that applications function seamlessly without manual intervention for each direction of traffic.

Read more about Stateful and Stateless Strategies at cloudericks.com/blog/exploring-stateful-stateless-aws-networking

Where Security Groups Fit In

Security Groups are associated with instances in AWS and provide a critical layer of security at the instance level. Unlike NACLs, which operate at the subnet level and are stateless, Security Groups give us the granularity to control access to individual instances, making them an essential tool for securing our applications and data in the cloud.

Now that we have a foundational understanding of Security Groups, let's explore how to create and manage them in AWS, through both the EC2 dashboard and the VPC dashboard.

Getting Started with Security Groups in AWS

We can create Security Groups within the EC2 dashboard or directly from the VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) dashboard. Here's how we can do it from both places efficiently.

Option 1: Creating Security Groups via EC2 Dashboard

Step 1: Navigate to the EC2 Dashboard

  • Log in to your AWS Management Console.
  • Open the Services menu and click on "EC2" to go to the EC2 dashboard.

Step 2: Access Security Groups

  • Under "Network & Security" in the sidebar, click on "Security Groups".

Step 3: Follow Common Steps for Creation and Configuration

  • Proceed with the common steps mentioned below to create and configure your Security Group.

Option 2: Creating Security Groups via VPC Dashboard

Step 1: Navigate to the VPC Dashboard

  • Log in to your AWS Management Console.
  • Find "VPC" under the "Networking & Content Delivery" category in the Services menu.

Step 2: Access Security Groups

  • Look for the "Security" section on the left-hand side and click on "Security Groups".

Step 3: Follow Common Steps for Creation and Configuration

  • Proceed with the common steps mentioned below to create and configure your Security Group.

Common Steps for Creation and Configuration

Step 1: Create a New Security Group

  1. Click the "Create security group" button.
  2. Provide a Name tag, Description, and select the VPC where your security group will reside.
  3. Click "Create".

Step 2: Configure Inbound and Outbound Rules

  1. Inbound Rules: Select your security group and go to the "Inbound rules" tab to edit or add rules.
  2. Outbound Rules: Use the "Outbound rules" tab to manage traffic leaving your instances.

Step 3: Assign Security Group to an Instance

When launching or modifying an instance, assign it to your security group under the "Network & Security" section.


Security Groups are a foundational component of network security in AWS, offering stateful filtering capabilities at the instance level. By effectively leveraging Security Groups, we can ensure that our cloud resources are accessible only under conditions we specify, significantly enhancing our application's security posture. Remember, as our cloud environment evolves, it's important to regularly review and update our Security Group rules to keep up with changing security requirements.

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