Understanding Service Endpoints in Azure

all azure azure networking azure security Dec 22, 2023


This blog aims to demystify the concept of Service Endpoints in Azure, providing clear and practical insights. 

What are Service Endpoints?

In simple terms, Service Endpoints allow us to direct network traffic from our Azure Virtual Network (VNet) to Azure services over a dedicated, secure link. This setup ensures that our data is not exposed to the public internet, enhancing security and potentially reducing network costs.

How Do They Work?

Imagine we have a database hosted on Azure SQL Database and an application in your Azure Virtual Network that needs to access this database. Normally, the traffic might traverse the public internet, posing potential security risks. Service Endpoints change the game by ensuring the traffic between our VNet and the Azure service stays on the Azure backbone network.

Example in Action

Let's take a practical scenario:

  1. Setting Up: We have an Azure Virtual Network and an Azure Storage account.
  2. Activation: We enable the Service Endpoint for Azure Storage on our VNet. This step essentially flags to Azure that traffic destined for Azure Storage from this VNet should stay on the Azure network.
  3. Security: We then configure your Azure Storage account to accept traffic only from our VNet. Now, even if someone knows our storage account name, they can't access it unless they're on our VNet.


  • Security: Our data is more secure, as it's not exposed to the public internet.
  • Optimization: Potentially lower latency and costs, as Azure can optimize network routes.
  • Control: Greater control over access, allowing us to specify exactly which networks can connect to your Azure services.

Azure Private Link

While Service Endpoints are powerful, Azure offers an alternative option worth considering, which is Azure Private Link. Azure Private Link is a step above Service Endpoints. It not only keeps traffic on the Azure network but also brings the service into our VNet. The service gets a private IP in our VNet, making it appear as if it's directly in our network and thus protected through the NSGs attached to our subnets.

Best Practices

  • Plan: Understand our network flow before implementing. Misconfiguration can lead to unexpected access issues.
  • Secure: Don't rely on Service Endpoints alone. Combine them with other security measures like NSGs and monitoring.
  • Monitor: Use Azure's monitoring tools to keep an eye on our network traffic and detect any unusual patterns.


Service Endpoints are vital to securing our Azure network, ensuring our traffic stays private and potentially improving performance. By understanding and implementing them alongside other Azure services, we can significantly enhance our network's security and efficiency. Whether we're managing a small app or an enterprise system, taking control of our network traffic is crucial, and Service Endpoints are a great tool for that job. We may also consider alternatives such as the Azure private link.

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